
PMA demands against Doctors' target Killings

admin 09:29 AM, 20 May, 2014

Several Government and security officials visited the PMA recently, for a meeting, where they offered condolence over the target killing of Dr. Manzoor Memon, the Medico Legal Officer of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karach (JPMC).

In connection of ongoing killings of doctors, an important meeting was held on Saturday the 17th May, 2014 at the PMA House, Karachi. The meeting was attended by Secretary Health Iqbal Durrani, Special Secretary Health Dr. Suresh Kumar, Special Secretary Health Syed Mansoor Abbas Rizvi, D.I.G. Karachi Police Sultan Khawaja, representative of D.G. Rangers, Karachi, representatives of MLO’s Dr. Nisar Ali Shah, Dr. Parshotam Rathore, Dr. Shiraz, Dr. Aijaz, representative of Sindh Doctors Association Dr. Mujtaba Memon, Dr. Nawaz Ali Mallah, Dr. Shahid, Dr. Shan Alam and PMA officials Dr. Mirza Ali Azhar, Secretary General, Dr. Qaisar Sajjed, Finance Secretary, Dr. Qazi M. Wasiq, General Secretary, PMA Karachi.

A charter of demand was presented to Secretary Health who assured to get approval for the compensation of 5 million rupees to the family of Dr. Manzoor Memon and to provide assistance for the continuity of education of his son, while the other son will be offered a job in the government department.

D.I.G. Sultan Khawaja made commitment to provide security to MLOs working in Karachi. He also assured to facilitate in getting arms licenses to the doctors from the home department.

Rangers have already started a programme for doctors in fire arms training at their firing ranges. Doctors are advised to contact PMA Karachi office to get registered for fire arm training programme.

Representatives of MLOs at Karachi Press Club announced to call off their protest/demonstration today. Another meeting with the Health Secretary will be held soon.